Parenting Advice
Whether you’re a new mom, a parent of a child with a developmental difference, a working mom or a parent looking for help with their toddler’s latest behavior phase, you can find parenting advice, support and connection with NPN.
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Parenting Advice Topics
There is a possibility we are moving to the Dallas area due to a job opportunity. Can anyone share information on good independent schools in the area (similar to Parker/Latin/Lab)? Our oldest will be starting high school in 25/26. I also have no idea where to start researching suburbs/...
Hi all-heading to Portugal with home bases in Lisbon and Porto. Day trips to Evora, Sintra and Douro Valley. What are the must sees and dos? Would love recs for authentic restaurants and even better, ones with rooftop views. Thanks! ...
My DH and I will be in NYC for separate business trips this November. We both need to be there on a Friday but I'll be staying through the following Tuesday while my DH returns on Sunday. My parents have volunteered to watch our children over the weekend (complete saints for doing this!). We'll have...
Join us to explore your next career move - whether you're considering a job change, pivot or coming back after staying home. On Thursday, Sept. 19 from 12 - 3 p.m. pop in for FREE resume and LinkedIn tips, FREE advice from professional coaches and $100 headshots (registration for photography is requ...
More Articles related to this topic
As summer bids farewell and fall begins to paint the world in hues of amber and gold, families often face the challenge of transitioning from the relaxed, free-spirited days of summer to a more structured fall routine. This shift can be both exciting and daunting, but with a little planning and crea...
NPN is known for helping families find childcare, research schools, navigate developmental differences, and get parent-to-parent advice. Helping families navigate developmental differences is one part of our mission that is especially meaningful to me and the rest of the staff team. NPN’...
As soon as we arrived at Family Camp in Michigan last summer I started to lose track of time. We had decided to take a family vacation at a kids sleep away summer camp for a few days. Ostensibly it was to introduce our two kids to camp. But I was also curious to experience the classic American summe...
This is an excerpt from the Chicago Tribune's latest column, Kids like to swear. Do I blame Olivia Rodrigo? Or do I blame myself?, written by Christopher Borrelli. This column features a quote from NPN's Executive Director, Amy Johnson. I turned to the parent next to me and asked what she was g...
If you’re like most parents, returning home from a vacation with children can leave you feeling like you need a vacation from the vacation. With a little planning though, you can re-enter your routine with ease and even work in some much needed “vacay recovery.” Here are some top notch tips for he...