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Travel With Kids

Plan a getaway with your kids—and get tips on how to make it the smoothest trip possible. There are tons of vacation options just a short drive from Chicago. Looking for a trip outside the Midwest? Our members have lots of advice on the best destinations for sun, sand or snow.

5 family-friendly Midwest vacation spots you can drive to
You know the saying “Midwest is best?” Well, if you ask me, the Midwest truly shines in the summer months…the glistening lakes, wealth of greenery, and tons of unique places to relax and unwind. It’s ...
How to do Disney World and Disneyland right with kids in tow
Planning a Disney vacation can be an overwhelming experience filled with a mixture of excitement and angst. Here are some tips I’ve learned over our many trips to Disneyland (DL) and Walt Disney World...
5 rules for traveling with caregivers and kids
I must admit: I never thought I would travel with childcare. That was a luxury that never entered my mind until we hosted our first au pair over four years ago. One of the premises of the au pair prog...


Great road trips 5-7 hours from Chicago

Did Mackinaw last year-looking for new ideas.  ...

Share your Alaskan trip must see/do recos!

I am in the early stages of planning a 12-14 day trip to Alaska in July 2025 to celebrate a few family milestones (graduation plus birthdays).  We are a family of four with two teens. We love adventure and are very active. Prior NPN threads referenced cruises (Holland, Princess, Regent and Disney) a...

How can I confirm streets that have protected bike lanes?

My teen has been working at a bike camp near our house but now they need her to help out the rest of the summer at different camps throughout the city. Is there a way to get concrete details about which streets do or don't have bike lanes and what type of lanes (eg protected or just a regular bike l...

Send me your Summer Europe Tips (London...)

We are planning our 1st Family trip to Europe (w/2 active teen boys) next summer over 4 cities (London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Germany) maybe 17 nights leaving early June. Uncertain Germany city but thinking Cologne area. We plan to train between countries as these all seem pretty close if choosi...

Winter break vacation ideas

Help me find a place to go for winter break! Everything is SO expensive. Our trip from last year jumped from $9k to $15k.   - 2 teens - not all inclusive  - direct flight  - warm - beach preferred but we love city trips too  - under $15k - two rooms or an Airbnb  ...

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Returning Home from Vacation: Five tips to ease the transition.

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Fueling Healthy Adventures: Tips for Nurturing Picky Eaters on the Go

Embarking on family adventures, such as road trips, airport travels, or exploring foreign lands, often poses the challenge of picky eating. A change in routine, exposure to new environments, and the availability of unfamiliar cuisines can all contribute to a child's resistance to trying new foods. A...

Making Travel Au-some

Traveling with children can be fun, exciting and challenging and traveling with a child with a special needs child adds a whole new dynamic. I’m a mom of three: I have one 3 year old son and 5 year old boy/girl twins and my oldest son, Owen, has autism. To get ready for a trip, whether that be an ou...

Dear Teacher, We’re Taking Our Child Out of School for Vacation

It used to be a painful exercise when I had to write a note to our son’s teachers to let them know we would be taking our son out of school for a family vacation. The guilt would sink in and I would start to think we were bad parents for not putting enough focus on his education. I would write and r...

Parent Hacks: Master Your Next Family Vacation

As winter settles in, many people cope with the change in weather by planning their next family vacation. But if your last family vacation has you wanting to never venture out as a family again - you're in luck!  We've gathered the top travel hacks from NPN members on how to master your next fa...

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