Working Moms
NPN was created more than 40 years ago with working moms in mind. When you’re working two full-time jobs—mom and employee—your most precious resource is time, and NPN is here to help.
Searching for schools for your child and don’t have time to spend hours researching online? Our informative school search videos, Annual School Fair and School & Daycare Directory streamline the process. Have a question about work, kids, schools or anything else? Get quick answers from our parent community on our Discussion Forum.
And when you need reassurance or advice about juggling your two (or more!) jobs, our library of articles about the struggles and triumphs of working moms will help you feel less overwhelmed. Long way of saying: We got you, working moms.
I’m experiencing high anxiety/borderline panic, and I’m perseverating and spiraling. I’m in therapy and have an appt to start meds soon. Looking for feedback if meds helped with similar symptoms and if so which one specifically. I was in a similar situation two years ago was prescribed certraline an...
I need a gut checks. I’m an attorney at a small estate planning/special needs planning law firm in the suburbs. As part of my job, in addition to handling cases start to finish, guardianships, etc., I’m expected to attend school fairs, do public speaking, etc. on night and weekends (probably about 1...
Anyone resigning before 2/6 or deciding to continue? Any insight into your decision? ...
Every job I've ever gotten has been word of mouth but I'm ready to make a change as I think I am being held back in my current role. I am no expert on resumes or all this modern stuff about what needs to be on there to get past the bots. I could really use a session with an expert on career advancem...
DH works in the corporate world and for the past few months he attended work related after hours events 1-2 times a months that involve drinking and coming home later than usual. The holiday celebration night out with his team he came home at 1am. I work in a totally different industry where this is...
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As summer bids farewell and fall begins to paint the world in hues of amber and gold, families often face the challenge of transitioning from the relaxed, free-spirited days of summer to a more structured fall routine. This shift can be both exciting and daunting, but with a little planning and crea...
If you'd asked me where I'd be in 2023 as a teenager - there's no way I'd ever guess I'd spend my weekends couch surfing with my kids while watching Disney movies that I've seen a thousand times...and enjoying it. My social life as a teen/early adult was that of scene from a pop-themed movie. N...
As a Placement Provider for Olive.You.Nanny, I am constantly puzzle piecing to find compatible matches for families and nannies. I have found there to be some key questions that need to be asked during the interview process to ensure a happy and compatible match is made for both the nanny and family...
If you’re anything like me, at any given time of the day, your home resembles a pigsty (hopefully sans the odor). I have kid toys, clothing, random bits of food, and some of my husbands random items scattered across the tables, countertops, and floors constantly. It’s become our new decor. While I’v...
One thing I love about NPN is that I’m surrounded by other parents that I can honestly share the joys and woes of parenting with. One of those woes that many of us feel daily is the struggle of deciding what to feed the tiny humans we’ve created. My day often moves so quickly that the thought of slo...