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  • Dr. Rachel Riley Fancher

    Dr. Rachel Riley Fancher is the founder and director of Fancher Psychology & Assessment, LLC, a private practice in Skokie, Illinois. Dr. Fancher founded the practice in 2012 with the goal to provide the most effective psychological treatment available to children, teens, emerging adults and adults. She lives with her husband and two young boys, ages 5 and 1, on the North Side of Chicago. 

    Is your relationship ready for baby? 4 tips to prepare your partnership

    What to do to prepare and protect one of the most important things to you and your baby: your marriage or partnership.


    Becoming a parent is a joyful, exciting time. It is also a stressful, disorienting and exhausting time.

    There is cultural messaging that children are a joy and we should be happy throughout their babyhood. However, as a clinical psychologist and mother, I've seen that this is just not reality, and this message creates shame for mothers and partners who struggle with this major life transition. In fact, did you know that, statistically, couples report the lowest rates of marital satisfaction after the birth of a baby?

    These tiny humans have a way of taking up a huge amount of emotional space, time and energy. Much of this time, energy and attention you once had to give to your partner or yourself, so of course the transition will be a little bumpy!

    While you can find thousands of resources about the best car seat or swaddle, it’s rare to find information about what to do to prepare and protect one of the most important things to you and your baby: your marriage or partnership. So here are a few ways to help baby-proof your relationship and prepare your partnership for the transition to parenthood.

    Establish good communication strategies 
    It is vital to the long-term health of a partnership, particularly during times of stress, to learn how to ask for help and how to constructively express frustration or disappointment. No matter how close we are to someone, they can’t read our mind! It’s also important to reduce criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling (shutting your partner out), as these types of communication patterns have been identified as particularly damaging to a relationship. 

    Discuss expectations 
    Who will do the late-night feedings? Who is in charge of childcare? You may think you’re both on the same page, but sitting down to let your partner know your expectations, and to hear theirs, is essential.

    Prioritize connection 
    Parenting a newborn is all-encompassing. Connecting with your partner may not look like weekends away or long nights out for a while, but you can still make each other coffee, reach for their hand, or turn your phones and tv off to talk for a few minutes at night. These small moments of connection can make a huge difference.

    Work on your mindset
    Don’t keep score! When you aim to win an argument or you keep track of exact numbers of times you do something, even if you win, the relationship loses. See yourself as a team, you both have the same goal to care for this baby. Also remember that this is a temporary phase of life. When we have thoughts like, My life will always be this way, it can make our negative emotions more intense.

    Take care of yourself
    You can’t be a good partner if you’re totally depleted. Stay connected to friends, go for walks and lean on your support system. Postpartum anxiety or depression can compound the difficulty of adjusting to parenthood and to your relationship and absolutely necessitates treatment. If you or someone you love is experiencing difficulty, please reach out to me or to another mental health professional.

    Dr. Rachel Riley Fancher

    Dr. Rachel Riley Fancher is the founder and director of Fancher Psychology & Assessment, LLC, a private practice in Skokie, Illinois. Dr. Fancher founded the practice in 2012 with the goal to provide the most effective psychological treatment available to children, teens, emerging adults and adults. She lives with her husband and two young boys, ages 5 and 1, on the North Side of Chicago. 

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