During a divorce, it’s important to make sure your finances survive this transition. That’s why NPN has partnered with the Law Office of Jennifer Guimond-Quigley to develop a three-part video series that explores the financial implications of divorce and how to keep your finances afloat during this life change.
Divorce affects everything, including what protections need to be put in place to plan for your estate in the event of disability or death. In this second installment of a three-part series that addresses financial considerations in divorce, Jennifer Guimond-Quigley of the Law Office of Jennifer Guimond-Quigley will discuss what estate planning mechanisms and asset protection tools are no longer available once a divorce occurs and what people may want to consider when putting together their estate plan in light of their new single status.
Jennifer Guimond-Quigley owns and operates a family law practice in downtown Chicago, focusing exclusively on family planning and litigation. She has been a part of the NPN community since 2009 in various capacities, including presiding over its Board of Directors from 2013–2017. In her spare time, Jennifer loves exploring all the city has to offer with her husband and two kids.